She laments that Melville is indeed her older sister. It largely goes to plan, and a huge battalion of Kill Scythe are drawn out allowing Leo and Giller to enter the city. The battle starts and the two Empires begin trading blows.

Leo volunteers since he's neither a part of the Republic or Empire. Giller agrees to be one pilot, but is missing another candidate. After all, this is a battle between apparent heirs to the Empire.

However, the Republic can't offer direct support. Meanwhile, two Sniptera would enter from above using the other side of the hole and attempt to sneak in and rescue Fiona. Since the Omega Rex blew a hole in Neo Zenebas City, they would deploy a large force at the base of the city and draw out the "True Empire" forces. With the Omega Rex buried under the ocean, the Empire begin to mount a rescue plan for Empress Fiona.